Lyrboton Kome Yerleşimi’nden Bir Phratra
Mehmet OKTAN 651–656 | Download
Abstract: This article presents a Greek inscription discovered in a wall of a church in the centre of Lyrboton Kome, a kome of Perge. The 10-line inscription provides us with unprecedented evidence for the presence of phratra in Pamphylia. It records the promise by Publius Attius Rufus, a man of Latin origin, to pay 100 denarii in order to purchase land for the phratra. Unfortunately, the name of this phratra can no longer be read clearly, as that part of the line on the stone is broken and eroded. However, if one takes into consideration both the phrase recorded on another inscription from said kome and the size of the eroded space, which provides space for a maximum of three letters, it is possible to complete the missing part of this inscription with: the “elders” phratra. The letter forms suggest that the inscription dates from the end of the IInd or the beginning of the IIIrd century. The translation reads as follows: “Poplius Attius Roufus has promised to the phratra of [elders] a hundred denarii, with which he bought land, the income from which (will be used) to celebrate on his behalf the first day of Kalendae for ever”.
Keywords: Lyrboton Kome; Perge; Publius Attius Rufus; phratra; geraioi.
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