ΕΡΜΗΝΕΙΑ. The Greek Translations of the sacrae litterae on Official Hospitality (AD 204)
Stephen MITCHELL 635–639 | Download
Abstract: The decision of AD 204 which exempted Roman senators from the duty of providing hospitality to official guests is known from eight inscriptions found in cities of the Aegean region and western Asia Minor. New fragments of the bilingual version of this text in the collection of the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations, Ankara, show that the Greek translation came with the heading ἑρμηνεία θείων γραμμάτων. Hermeneia was the technical term used between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD to denote authorized Greek translations of official rulings in Latin. Since the three Greek versions of the decision all differ from one another, it is clear that these translations were produced locally with the advice of legal experts.
Keywords: ἑρμηνεία; sacrae litterae; official hospitality; Septimius Severus; Caracalla.
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