Topographica Carica
Friedrich HILD 425–434 | Download
Abstract: In his manifold studies, Sencer Şahin was also activ in the field of Historical Geography and has made proposals also for the solution of difficult problems. This is also the aim of the present study. In the valley of the Harpasos (now Akçay Deresi) near Bargasa, the toponym of Amasya hints at an ancient settlement named Amaseia, where there are also ruins. Anastasiupolis is probably to be identified with Bargylia, in the surroundings of which milestones of the Emperor Anastasios I were found. In Caria, the name of Hiera Kome occurs several times. In the Türbe Ovası near Labraunda, Hiera Kome is attested too in inscriptions. Livius mentiones it with a temple of Apollo. Lince, a road station of the Tabula Peutingeriana between Ephesos and Milet must be identical with Herakleia at the Latmos, the most important city on the inland road from Ephesos to Milet. Markianupolis is surely the same as the bishopric of Markiane in Lycia, which lay near the Carian border. Karia (now Geyre) was frequently used as another name for Aphrodisias (Staurupolis). On the basis of hints in numerous inscriptions of Mylasa, as well as in hagiographical texts, Omba is probably to be located at Beçin Kalesi. The Ombianon Pedion also lay between Beçin and Mylasa. Tantalos lay on a hill near the village of Dandalas. Trobalissos is probably identical with the Kuyruklu Kalesi.
Keywords: Caria; Amaseia; Anastasiupolis; Hiera Kome; Lince; Markianupolis; Ombianon Pedion; Tantalos; Trobalissos.
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