Antalya Müzesi’nden Yeni Adak ve Mezar Yazıtları

Nuray GÖKALP ÖZDİL   388–396 | Download


Abstract: In this article nine new inscriptions from the Antalya Museum are presented. The first three are dedications to deities (no.1 is a dedication to Zeus Keraunios, no. 2 is a dedication to Deme­ter, no. 3 is a dedication to Dioscuroi) and the others are funerary inscriptions. Their provenance are unknown except nos. 6–7. According to the letter forms and style employed all of these in­scriptions, except no. 4, dated to the 2nd and 3rd century A.D. The translation of the inscriptions is as follows:


No. 1: Arteimas, son of Meleagros, (presented) (this) votive offering to Zeus Keraunios.

No. 2: Tharsylos (presented) (this) (votive offering) to Demeter.

No. 3: Eias (presented) (this) votive offering to Dioscuroi hearing the prayers.

No. 4: Mnesibios and Arsasis (made this) for Hermasasis, their daughter.

No. 5: Artemon, son of Troilos, son of Meidias (built the stele) for Artemon, his son and for Artemeis, his wife, in memory.

No. 6: Epaphrodeitos and Trokondas (built the stele) for their mother, in memory.

No. 7: Nanne, daughter of Orestes II, son of Menis (built the stele) for her husband Artemeis, grandson of Attasarbas, son of Attes, in memory.

No. 8: Tettius Valerius Fronto who served in the army, (built the tomb) for himself, for his wife, Ouaua and for his father, Lucius Valerius L. Fronto, son of Lucius?, from the tribe Collina, as a memorial and mark of affection while he is alive. If anyone does harm the tomb, he must be responsible to the gods!.”

No. 9: Eukarpianos, (son of Eukarpos, built the stele) for Glaukos, his own son, in memory.

Keywords: Zeus Keraunios; Dioscuroi; Demeter; theophoric names; epichoric names; Antalya Museum.



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