La Phrygie Parorée et Pisidienne aux confins des provinces romaines d’Asie, de Galatie et de Lycie-Pamphylie
Hadrien BRU 190–199 | Download
Abstract: The Persian and Hellenistic kings faced troubles when they wanted to subdue inner Phrygia Paroreios close to northern Pisidia, to an authoritative and centralized State power. As an independent, complicated and exceptional contact zone between Phrygian, Pisidian, Thracian, Greek and Latin cultures, Phrygia Paroreios has obviously created difficulties for the Romans, when they decided to rule the area according to their administrative standards. That is the sense of the hesitations shown by the unclear or changing boundaries of the Roman provinces of Asia, Galatia and Lycia-Pamphylia around the ‘Phrygo-Pisidian circus’. This paper is a modest attempt made to define those provincial boundaries in the concerned area, between the Ist century B.C. and the beginning of the IVth century A.D. when it is possible.
Keywords: Phrygia Paroreios; Pisidia; Romans; Provincial boundaries.
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