Die Küsten von Hellespont und Bithynien im Spiegel der Portulane und Portulankarten
Klaus BELKE 157–189
Abstract: The portolans and portolan charts of the later middle ages and the early modern times are a group of sources that were developed by the western trading nations (esp. Venice, Genoa, and the Catalans) and – except for some later translations into or adaptations in vernacular Greek – are written in Latin or (mostly) in different western vernaculars. They served sailors of those periods to find suitable harbours and landing places for protection from bad weather, for refilling supplies of fresh water and food, and for trading activities. This paper aims at locating exactly or at least approximately these sailing stations on the basis of details preserved in the portolans and portolan charts such as distances, cardinal points, and geographic features on the one hand, and on the basis of comparison with other (Byzantine or western) sources, and knowledge of the terrain on the other hand. Though of western origin, portolans and portolan charts are also an important source for the historical geography of the Byzantine Empire.
Keywords: Portolans; portolan charts; harbours; sailing stations; Hellespont; Bithynia; historical geography.
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