Pednelissos in Pisidien. Notizen zu Geschichte, Stadtentwicklung und Verwaltung in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit

Ralf BEHRWALD   Hartwin BRANDT  148–156 | Download


Abstract: The following article gives a short overview of our present knowledge of the history, urban development and administration of the Pisidian polis Pednelissos in Hellenistic and Roman times. From small literary, epigraphic and numismatic evidence and (more detailed) results of ar­chaeo­logical exploration it becomes clear that Pednelissos, obviously a pre-hellenistic foundation, was already a fully developed polis in the second and first century B.C., with a prominent cult of Apollo. Since the Romans had taken over the south-west Anatolian regions Pednelissos was a pros­perous polis with a small local elite whose members normally did not possess Roman civic status but demonstrated their loyalty to the Romans by cultivating the worship of Roman emperors. The period of late antiquity did not see a decline of Pednelissos but, on the contrary, many Christian churches of remarkable size and several rural settlements on the territory of Pednelissos testify to continuing prosperity until the sixth century A.D.

Keywords: Pednelissos; Pisidia; Urban development; Administration; Rural cults; Romanisation.



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