Phrygia’dan Dionysos İçin Yeni Bir Adak Yazıtı
Elif AKGÜN KAYA 74–80 | Download
Abstract: This article presents a 3rd-century CE marble votive altar which is now in the Archaeological Museum of Eskişehir. The altar was found in Alpu in the territory of Dorylaion, but its exact provenance is unknown. Set up by three persons named as Bakchos, Demetrios and Aurelius Alekas, the stone features a dedication to Dionysos. The inscription shows some interesting points: e.g. Bakchos is mentioned as a free man (eleutheros) but has no patronymic, whereas Demetrios, clearly defined as a slave (doulos) of Postumius Festus, is mentioned as the son of Thallos. This phenomenon is discussed in detail, one solution being that Bakchos and Demetrios were both sons of Thallos. Demetrios seems to have been sold as a slave by his father. The inscription reads as follows: To good fortune! Bakchos ἐλεύθερος and Demetrios, sons of Thallos, slave of Postumius Festus, have dedicated the altar with Aurelius Alekkas, son of Alekkas and grandson of Kathon, to Dionysos for the good of the village and for the salvation of Bakchos.
Keywords: Dionysos; threptos; Dorylaion; Phrygia; votive altar; Eskişehir Museum.
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