Inscriptions from Hadrianopolis, Tieion, Iulia Gordos and Toriaion

Peter THONEMANN   82–88 | Download 

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Abstract: This paper offers new readings and restorations in eight recently published in­script­ions from Paphlagonian Hadrianopolis (nos. 1–4), Tieion (no. 5), Iulia Gordos in north-east Lydia (no. 6), and Toriaion in eastern Phrygia (nos. 7–8). No. 1 is here restored as the epi­taph of a Christian by the name of Iordanes, and no. 2 is restored as a dedication to (Zeus) Bron­­taios; nos. 3–4 are epitaphs in verse for women called Markiane and Aelia Dionysiodora res­pectively. No. 5 is a family epitaph with several unusual formulae, and No. 6 is the epitaph of the foster-daughter (threptē) of two imperial slaves. No. 7 is an epitaph for a certain Tas, son of Kokaros, and no. 8 is a dedication to Zeus Megistos.

Keywords: Paphlagonia; Lydia; Phrygia; epitaphs; dedications; corrections.



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