Hadrian und die Finanzierung von Siegerstatuen für Trompeter und Herolde bei den ephesischen Olympia (SEG 56, 1359, ZZ. 40–43)
Vera HOFMANN 79–96 | Download
Abstract: In his first letter to the Dionysiac Artists from Alexandreia Troas (SEG 56,1359) Hadrian refers to another letter addressed to the Ephesians: he briefly quotes his regulations about the funding of statues for heralds and trumpeters, who had won the local Olympia. Due to the brevity of Hadrian’s synopsis, the context has been subject of controversial discussion. In this paper I propose an alternative scenario that works without any textual alterations: Nobody was compelled to put up statues, least of all the trumpeters and heralds themselves, whose victory prizes were the lowest. Hadrian explicitly refrains from forcing the Ephesians to pay the statues ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων, if they put them up to heralds and trumpeters too from the income of the estates, that Nysius left. As basis of his decision Hadrian quotes persons with experience of the local circumstances who reported that there would be surplus if the estates were administered properly. This subtle allusion to the maladministration of the funds by the Ephesians and its potential consequences reveals the actual basis for the artists’ complaint: the stipulations of Nysius’ endowment and the detailed information about its financial situation. As source of this information several persons qualify: for example M. Ulpius Aristokrates, logistes of the Ephesian gerousia and agonothetes of the Hadrianeia; or members of the synodoi such as the notorious herald Aelius Artemas or Ulpius Domesticus, a prominent Ephesian xystarch and alytarch of the Olympian games. All these had experience of the local circumstances and direct contact to Hadrian, which possibly is the reason why the procos. Asiae, who is usually involved in such matters, is not mentioned at all.
Keywords: Ephesus; Hadrianus; Olympia; Dionysiac Artists; heralds; trumpeters; Claudius Nysius.
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