Eine Heraklesweihung aus dem Hinterland von Limyra

Yasemin AKIN   137–142 | Download

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Abstract: In the 2nd century CE, Aristolochos and the two siblings Apollonius and Ostamas erected a monument with a dedication to Heracles on the eastern slopes of the mountain Alacadağ. Its location can be reached via a steep forest path climbing to the summit of the 2368 m high Alacadağ, which the locals call “Kolak’ın kız kestiği yer”. This mountainous area lies in the territory of Limyra and is close to the boundary with Arycanda. Beside the inscription carved in the face of the rock outcrop, which is some 3 metres high, a relief of Heracles is cut in a niche. The inscription mentions that the boundaries of the public land were determined under the supervision of five epistatai, whose names are listed. Aristolochos as well as the two siblings Apollonius and Ostamas may have been workers involved in said demarcation of public land.

Keywords: Limyra; Lycia; pandemos; boundary demarcation; dedication; Heracles.



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